Newsletter from Normandy


July 2024


Good afternoon,

We are very happy to share with you our monthly newsletter giving you ideas on what you can do in Normandy this upcoming July as well as the events we are organising in Jersey. 




If you are going to Normandy this July, click on the image on the left or right here to discover the main events happening in our beautiful region.

Here are the highlights of the month:

- Fête de la Mer in Trouville-sur-Mer

- Chauffer dans la Noirceur music festival in Montmartin-sur-Mer

- Medievals of Bayeux and its nocturnal market

- Tour des Ports de la Manche, sailing race starting in Jersey


... and so much more to enjoy! 


80th anniversary of D-Day

In 2024, we are commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, a pivotal moment in world history. An extensive programme of events is organised throughout Normandy until 15th October, to evoke the memory of this tragic period, and to emphasise the enduring spirit of hope that emerged from it.

To know what events are taking place, have a look at:

Normandie Tourisme - 80th anniversary page

Région Normandie - 80th anniversary website

On a national scale: Mission Libération

D-Day Overlord - List of events compiled by an historian specialised in WW2 (non-official website)

Normandie Impressionniste

2024 marks the 150th anniversary of Impressionism. Normandy has inspired many impressionist painters over the years which is why a festival was created to celebrate this beautiful pictorial movement.

Normandie Impressionniste is back until 22 September with more than 150 events planned around the region. Find out more on: Normandie Impressionniste.



Bastille Day Celebrations

We are working on a nice programme for the French and francophile community on Sunday 14 July at Howard Davis Park (St Helier Parish Hall in case of bad weather).

It will be the opportunity to meet with the new French Honorary Consul in Jersey, Pierre Chays, who is looking forward to offer you a "verrre de l'amitié" and sing La Marseillaise with you . 

We will keep you updated as soon as possible with the exact programme of the day.

Follow us on Facebook to get up-to-date information.

Norman Market

Our traders are coming back from Normandy to bring you some French treats! They will be set up in the Royal Square from Thursday 18 to Monday 22 July

Over the weekend, as part of La Saison Française and to go along with Fête de St Helier, music will accompany the market with two performances from 'La Mafia Normande', a gipsy swing band from Normandy that we are very much looking forward to seeing live!



Tourist information centres are here to help you plan your stay in Normandy. Find the ones from your favourite towns by following this link: Tourist Offices in Normandy  and start planning!

The tourist offices teams from La Manche and Normandy are also giving you great content to dream about Normandy and plan your future trip. 

 (Re)discover La Manche by visiting La Manche Tourism website


See you soon in Normandy or in our office in St Helier!

Maison de la Normandie et de la Manche's team
