On Air : Maison de Normandie is on French radio France Bleu every week-end

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Maison de Normandie is on air on France Bleu Cotentin

Maison de Normandie has a weekly show on France Bleu Cotentin at 8.55 am each Saturday and Sunday.
Christine Bonhomme or Xavier Souris talked about events happening in the Channel islands. We “advertise” Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark & Herm to the French listeners of France Bleu Cotentin. The show is called “Le journal des îles”.


Journal des iles France Bleu

You can now also listen to the BBC Jersey French Chronicle “Un Tour en France” presented by Camille Perdereau – Director at the alliance Française de Jersey – and Xavier Souris – Director of Maison de Normandie in Jersey – every sunday at 4.45 pm. Un Tour en France is the only French programme in the Channel islands.

Podcats available here (Part of Voices programme)