75th anniversary of D-Day

This post was written by Anaïs Niobey

On 6 June 1944 and during the long summer that followed, men from all over the world came to fight in Normandy to defeat Nazism and re-establish freedom. Normandy will bear the scars of this moment in history for ever and every year we remember and pay tribute to the veterans from America, Britain, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Poland and Australia, along with their brothers in arms, those many heroes who lost their lives here during that summer of 1944.

With its many museums, historic sites, cemeteries and cultural and teaching facilities, Normandy is truly an open-air history book. All these places can be discovered by families, who can transmit the exceptionally important lessons of history here to new generations.

Many events will take place in Normandy all over the summer.

Find more information here: Normandie Tourisme

For the full program of events, have a look HERE.