Our partners

Partners in Normandy & in the Channel Islands

You will find below an Internet directory of:

  • Our major partners
  • Useful links necessary to a more detailed approach of Normandy and the Channel Islands

We have classified our contacts by categories and subjects and by alphabetic order, to make the reading easier. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and we shall update and develop it without fail.

We would particularly like to mention the two local authorities that support our establishment:

  Le Conseil Départemental de la Manche (County Council of la Manche)


logo-region-normandie-rvb   Le Conseil Régional de Normandie (Regional Council of Normandy)


Maison de Normandie works also closely with the Bureau des Iles Anglo-Normandes (BIAN) (Bureau of the Channel Islands) in Caen, which represents the Channel Islands in France : BIAN – 12, rue Ferdinand Buisson – 14280 Saint Contest

In Normandy

Culture / Education

Magène (Association for the protection of norman heritage)
Mondes normands (Norman European heritage, 10th – 12th century)
Office Universitaire des Études Normandes
U.P.N Coutançais L’Université Populaire Normande du Coutançais (norman language promotion with online shop)


Regional Chamber for Agriculture
Regional Chamber for Commerce and Industry in Normandy
Regional Chamber of Trade and Craftsmanship (Métiers et Artisanat)


County Council of Calvados
County Council of Eure
County Council of la Manche
County Council of Orne
County Council of Seine-Maritime
Maritime Préfecture of the English Channel and the North Sea
Prefecture of Normandy
Regional Council of Normandy


La Manche Libre (daily newspaper)
La Presse de la Manche
Normandie Magazine
Ouest France, news from Normandy

Tourism and transports

Manche Iles Express
Regional Tourism Committee
Tourisme Committee for Calvados County
Tourism Committee for Eure County
Tourism Committee for la Manche County
Tourism Committee for Orne County
Tourism Committee for Seine-Maritime County

In Jersey

Culture / Education (Jersey)

Alliance Française of Jersey
ArtHouse Jersey
Education, sports and culture committee
Société Jersiaise

News (Jersey)

Bailiwick Express (local newspaper)
BBC Jersey (radio)
Channel 103 (radio)
Jersey Evening Post (local newspaper)

Economy (Jersey)

Jersey Chamber of Commerce
Digital Jersey
Jersey Business 

Institution (Jersey)

The Government of Jersey

Tourism (Jersey)

Visit Jersey

In Guernsey

Culture / Education (Guernsey)

Culture & Leisure Department
Guernsey Arts Commission

News (Guernsey)

Bailiwick Express (local newspaper
BBC Guernsey (radio)
Guernsey Press (local newspaper)

Economy (Guernsey)

Guernsey Chamber of Commerce
Digital Greenhouse Guernsey

Institution (Guernsey)

States of Guernesey

Tourism (Guernsey)

Visit Guernsey

In Alderney

States of Alderney

In Sark

Official Sark website