Clean Compression Ignition Engine Conference

This post was written by Christine Bonhomme

The Clean Compression Ignition Engine Conference will be held on June 1st and 2nd in Rouen (Seine-Maritime), and will allow discuss the future technological challenges to overcome in order to deliver ever cleaner, more efficient and economical engines.

The worldwide demand for lower emissions and for better fuel efficiency is dominating powertrain development activity today, with a focus on continuous improvements to the powertrain design, the use of alternative fuels and hybridization. The modern compression ignition engine is providing an efficient solution to these challenges and to changing mobility requirements, not only for passenger cars but also for industrial needs and goods transportation in fast-growing worldwide mega cities. With low CO2 emissions, the compression ignition engine is still a cost-effective and popular solution for many users and will be a key contributor to further reducing CO2 emissions beyond 2021.

The upcoming European Euro6c emissions regulation intends to introduce real driving emissions requiring new engineering efforts in light-duty powertrain product development, engine testing and vehicle calibrations. The challenge of this real driving emissions will be mainly to control emissions over the whole operating range of the vehicle at an affordable cost and without compromising fuel economy. For heavy-duty applications, the CO2 emissions regulation under preparation will also be the major driver for innovation in powertrain for both freight and passenger transport. The Clean Compression Ignition Engine Conference to be held in Rouen, France 1-2 June 2016, aims at giving powertrain developers and researchers the opportunity to get an overall picture of state-of-the-art technologies and anticipate future challenges and actions.

To enhance the organization of SIA powertrain conferences, the organizing committee has undertaken changes since last year by proposing an annual powertrain conference each spring, focusing alternatively on spark ignition in Versailles and on compression ignition in Rouen. The first edition of the conference in Versailles in May of this year was a great success with more than 400 participants, 50 lectures and 30 exhibitors offering numerous networking opportunities. In addition to the previous conference topics on light-duty engine technologies, the Rouen 2016 Compression Ignition Engine Conference will include new themes on engines for on- and off-highway commercial vehicles.

This unique worldwide event focused on compression ignition engine technology, and potential development synergies between passenger cars and commercial vehicle powertrain technologies, will provide attendees with opportunities for discussions with experts and leaders in this area. This event will cover global issues and solutions related to technology, business processes and the challenges facing the industry today and tomorrow.

Dr Noureddine Guerrassi, Chief Engineer Advanced Injection & Combustion Engineering – Delphi Automotive

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