And the winners to our Norman Market Raffle Competition are….

This post was written by admin

During its Norman Market (from 3rd to 6th December in St Helier), Maison de Normandie organized a raffle to win return tickets to Granville with Manche îles Express Ferries.
The winners are :
– Daniel (tickets 121 to 125 AT9R HL4N)
– Gail (tickets 471 to 475 AQ7N KL4L)
– Elaine (tickets 31 to 35 AN5Q 4L4G)
– Ewelina (tickets 26 to 30 AT9R SL4N)
– Brian (tickets 81 to 85 AY3N YK5A)
– Caroline (tickets 36 to 40 AP1Y DL4G)
– Christina (tickets 476 to 480 AQ7N KL4L)
– Julie (tickets 16 to 20 AN5Q 4L4G)

They all won a return tickets to Granville, with Manche îles Express, in 2016! The lucky winners can come before Friday 11th December or from Monday 4th January, to collect their prize and receive information on Normandy at Maison de la Normandie (71 Halkett Place – St Helier). Please note that Maison de la Normandie will be closed from 12th December 2015 to 3rd January 2016.

Thanks to all participants, to the Norman traders and to our partner Manche îles Express.