Press conference – Grand Départ of the Tour de France in La Manche 2016

Attendees of the Press Conference

This post was written by Christine Bonhomme

Maison de la Normandie hosted a Press Conference for the Grand Départ 2016 of the Tour de France.

For the occasion, Mrs Marie-Pierre FAUVEL Vice-President in charge of Sports at the County Council of La Manche, Mr Paul GUILLEMETTE from the Association of the Grand Départ in La Manche as well as Mr Olivier NORMAND from Manche îles Express Company, talked about the numerous events which will take place in all over La Manche County to celebrate the Tour de France, the public race “L’Etape Grand Départ” (open to everyone) on June 26th, the Grand Départ of the Tour de France and the 3 stages of the Tour in La Manche County (2nd, 3rd and 4th July).

We were delighted to welcome Connétable Steve PALLETT, Assistant Minister for Sport.

MIEFor the occasion Manche îles Express (ferry company linking the Channel Island and Normandy) will set up special day trips! have a look at their website to learn more!
Fore more info on the Grand Départ and the stages in La ManGDTDFche, as well as the public events, have a look the official website.

To register for the public race “L’Etape Grand Départ” which will take place on June 26th, go online on the official website:

Have a look at the links below to see the articles on the Jersey media on the event: