This post was written by Anaïs Niobey
SERAM (Society for Arthurian and Medieval Research Studies) lead by its President Michel Vital Le Bossé organize the second international symposium: “Wace and the Anglo-Norman language”.
Wace, born in Jersey in the 12th century, is undoubtedly the most eminent medieval poet of the island.
Sent to Caen (Normandy) at a very young age “Maistre Wace Clerc Lisant” was at the forefront of medieval literature, not only with its hagiography works (biography of a saint or an ecclesiastical leader), but especially in the romantic depiction of both the epic Norman conquest story and the Arthurian legend with the “Roman de Rou” and the “Roman de Brut “.
Discover the fascinating work and global impact of this incredible Jerseyman and National Treasure. Huit speakers from France, USA, Italie and Great-Britain will give 30 minutes long talk during the day.
Check out our dedicated facebook page for updates and the latest news!
Have a look at the complete programme of events in Jersey and Guernsey: